You will find a Hindi/Urdu word "Khanabadosh" in black on solid white socks
The name KABOOSH is derived from this root-word Khana-ba-dosh, which is used to describe Nomads in Urdu.
The beauty of the word is in its literal translation: Khana = home; Dosh = Shoulders. Khanabadosh are people who carry their homes on their shoulders.
You will find a Hindi/Urdu word "Khanabadosh" in black on solid white socks
The name KABOOSH is derived from this root-word Khana-ba-dosh, which is used to describe Nomads in Urdu.
The beauty of the word is in its literal translation: Khana = home; Dosh = Shoulders. Khanabadosh are people who carry their homes on their shoulders.